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时长 | 1:31

内容 | 慈善

主办单位 | 慈济基金会(新加坡)

新芽迎新茶会 呼吁学子重视教育

于2017年转型的新芽助学计划 (Seeds of Hope Program),今年迈入第二个年头,共有53位学子受惠。在迎新茶会上,三位去年助学金和奖励金得主及父母受邀前来分享受惠的心得。志工们连同受惠家庭一起参与益智游戏,利用现场有限的资源,建造全场最高的建筑物,让孩子们明白善用资源以及接受教育对开创自身未来的重要性。 

The Seeds of Hope (SOH) Programme, which was transitioned in 2017, has entered its second year and benefitted 53 students in total. During the SOH Welcoming Ceremony this year, three former recipients of the bursary and meritorious awards and their parents were invited to share with the audience how they have benefitted from the programme. In addition, Tzu Chi volunteers led everyone through a game in which participants were tasked to make use of the limited materials given to them to build the tallest “architecture”. The purpose of the game was to highlight to the students the importance of education and making good use of resources in building their future.   



 “教育,是打造光明未来最关键的基石!” 这是新加坡慈济在今年的新芽茶会上,透过游戏要传达给莘莘学子们的核心观念!

“Education is the essential foundation to a bright future.”  This is the core concept conveyed by Tzu Chi Singapore to its Seeds of Hope (SOH) Programme’s beneficiaries through the game conducted during the SOH Welcome Ceremony.


The objective of the SOH Welcome Ceremony is to introduce the content and details of the bursary programme to the 53 bursary recipients and their families. The primary and secondary school student beneficiaries of this programme also received their bursary for the first month this year.   

除了每月发放助学金,新芽计划还会在年底颁发奖励金给予在孝悌、学习和行为上有所进步的孩子。 ­

Apart from giving away monthly bursaries, the SOH Programme will also be awarding Meritorious Awards to students who show progress in their conduct and studies at the end of the year.

受惠学生  安琪拉(Toco Angelu Rachel Talavere):我把助学 剩下的钱存进竹筒要帮人,因为我知道有比我更需要帮助的人,我尽我的能力去帮助,虽然能帮助的钱不多。


The two sisters sharing on stage were the recipients of the “Seeds of Hope Nurturing Programme” and “Seeds of Hope Meritorious Award Programme” in 2017. Their parents are pleased to see the positive changes in their children.

SB:受惠学生家长  马努(Toco Manuel Amaro):孩子觉得被鼓励和比较负责任

SB:受惠学生家长   阿姆塔(Amutha):他的学习进步很多,分数提高很多,也不再玩游戏了。


With the care and support of Tzu Chi volunteers and encouragement from parents, these students from needy families are now able to pursue their studies confidently with a peace of mind.

大爱新闻 卢文君  杨家兴
